Blasting Through Puddles - Dirtbike Riding at the Glasshouse Mountains

Saturday 4 July 2020

After missing the last ride due to pulling a muscle in my calf while exercising (trying to get more 'bike fit' - watta mistake!) I was desperate to get out again before the two day trip planned for the end of July. Luckily for me we managed to sneak a ride in today up at the Glass House Mountains and it turned out to be pretty eventful...


Bento Content Editor for Umbraco 8

Wednesday 10 June 2020

I've got a bit of exciting news and thought I'd drop it here - Koben Digital released their new content block editor for Umbraco today.

DRZ400 Ignition And Phone Charging Mount

DRZ400 Ignition and Phone Charging Mount Setup

Saturday 30 May 2020

I've been really keen to sort out some kind of phone charging solution for the bike as it'd be great to have the GPS running when out on a ride. After a lot of searching and experimenting, this is the set up I went for.

Common Carp caught from Follyfoot Fishery

My Last UK Carp Session At Follyfoot Fishery

Sunday 14 April 2019

With only a week left in Bristol I decided to squeeze in one last carp fishing session in between the packing! Of all the places I've fished, Follyfoot Fishery has been by far the best so it was a no brainer to book myself in for 24 hours to see if I could get amongst a carp or two before the off...

The Return To Cheddar Reservoir In Search Of Pike

Thursday 28 March 2019

After last week's top result I just had to have one more pop at Cheddar Reservoir before the off to Australia.