Lookout At Mnt Mee

First Dirtbike Ride Since The Eye Debacle

Saturday 3 October 2020

The recent fun and games with the tear in my retina has put a stop too a lot of things, not least riding offroad... But having been given the all clear last week from the eye clinic meant it was game on for this Saturday.

Only a short ride, 3 hours in the forest up at Mnt Mee with Wayne, Ronnie, Chris and Guy but that was perfect for me as to be honest, I kinda felt like I was starting over... They reckon it takes a couple of weeks to 'forget' how to ride and a couple of hours to get back into the rhythm.

So I went for it! It was a little shaky at first and as it was very dry and dusty I took it slow and steady and had a great time.

Highlights of the day we're spotting a huge snake (well, huge to me - apparently it was a baby!) and making it up 'A Break' in one go without hitting the deck.

All in all a perfect blip in the forest - it's good to be back ;)

As ever, I had the excellent Relive app running on the phone which captured the entire route - if you've not tried it, it's GPS tracking app that compiles any media you shot along the way into a video. Well worth a go!