Bass caught at Lake Kurwongbah

Colds, COVID and Bass at Kurwongbah

Friday 7 June 2024

Far out, it's been a totally miserable couple of weeks... Three members of the family have been off with colds, my son has been off school for 2 weeks and is on antibiotics for a chest infection and I've had a horrible cold that I thought I was over.... But then to cap it all I tested positive for COVID on Thursday morning... So the question was: to fish or not to fish?!

Catching The Weirdest Looking Bass From Enoggera Reservoir!

Friday 6 October 2023

It's been a while since I've visited Enoggera Reservoir but after watching the 'Tips and Tricks' video by Peter from PTPFishing I was inspired to give it another go.

A tough (but rewarding!) winter lure fishing session for bass at Lake Kurwongbah

Friday 11 August 2023

I've had a really good run of Bass fishing over the last couple of weeks at Lake Kurwongbah using a combination of drop shotting with worms and more traditional lure casting. I was really beginning to feel I'd 'cracked' the winter pattern. But that doesn't mean that it's easy...

Breaking The Blank - Kayak Fishing with Worms and Lures at Lake Kurwongbah

Friday 28 July 2023

So I have an admission... My last session a couple of weeks ago at Lake Kurwongbah was a complete blank! Five hours on the water without a fish to show for my efforts was pretty crushing... In my defence, I did run into Peter from PTPFishing and even he was struggling (although he did manage to scape a few, check out the video on YouTube.) From what we could tell, the 'winter pattern' had set in at the lake and the fish have made their way from the edges into deep water and spread out which makes finding them much harder...

But does that mean fishing is over for a while? Hell no!

Loads of Bass and a Surprise Saratoga! Kayak Fishing at Lake Kurwongbah

Friday 23 June 2023

After two excellent sessions at Lake Kurwongbah I was desperate to get out on the water again, especially as the next couple of weeks were going lean on the fishing front due to holidays and winter weather. But with blue skys and light winds predicted, I was really hopeful of getting amongst some quality bass!