The Pike Lake on the Cotswold Water Park

A Spot Of Post Xmas Piking

Friday 27 December 2013

We'd been itching to get out on the rivers but as the weather over Christmas was pretty foul everything was in flood!

Bristol Bridge fishing spot

I Can Fish Just Outside Work?!

Tuesday 17 December 2013

I've been searching around for places to fish before/after work (well... maybe in the summer!) and believe it or not, there's a spot just outside work.

Plantation Lakes

A Total Blank At Plantation Lakes

Sunday 1 December 2013

Took a trip to Plantation Lakes this Sunday for a much needed fish. We knew this was gonna be a tough one, a last gasp at the lakes before winter really takes hold (there was a plan to go river fishing but 'the one that got away' convinced us to have another go).

Plantation Lakes Panorama

Slow Start But A Busy Day At Plantation Lakes

Sunday 27 October 2013

Double hit of fishing this weekend - after a great day at Boyd Valley Lake on Saturday, the plan was to head to Bullock Farm on the Sunday.

Boyd Valley Lake Panorama

A Cracking Days Fishing at Boyd Valley Lake

Saturday 26 October 2013

Had a cracking days fishing at Boyd Valley Lake this Saturday.