Micro Jack from the Bristol Avon at Keynsham

Saved From A Blank By A Micro Jack

Friday 8 December 2017

Snow! It's bloody Snowing! Still gotta go fishing though right?! After suffering my 1st blank on the River Avon at Keynsham I was super keen to get out again, despite the conditions.

Waiting for the bite that never came...

A Plague Of Eels!

Friday 24 November 2017

Well I guess it was going to happen at some point... I suffered my 1st blank on the River Avon today!

Jack Pike from the Bristol Avon

A Hard Days Pike Fishing... But Not A Blank!

Friday 3 November 2017

After a gap of a couple of weeks due to illness, I was absolutely desperate to get back on the Bristol River Avon over at Keynsham for another go at catching pike.

Catching Jacks - Pike Fishing On The River Avon At Keynsham

Monday 9 October 2017

We're into October now and that means three things: the carp gear gets packed down, the pike gear comes out and the river sessions kick off!

Chub caught from the River Avon at Saltford

Last Evening River Session Of 2017

Tuesday 29 August 2017

It's been a month since I fished my favorite stretch on the River Avon at Saltford and with the evenings slowly closing in, I decided to head over for a last gasp session.