My 1st Lure Session Fishing For Pike And Perch

Monday 21 September 2015

Just after Christmas 2018 my mate Jim asked me if I'd be interested in him helping me catch a pike using lures in return for helping him to catch a pike using deadbaits...

Challenge accepted!

Winter Session Result at Follyfoot Fishery

Sunday 16 December 2018

It's been raining... and raining... and raining... So much so that the rivers are all in flood and I've not been out on the bank for ages! I was so desperate to get out that a winter session at Follyfoot Fishery seemed the only option.

Frozen ducks

Pre and Post Snow Blanks

Tuesday 6 March 2018

After a run of excellent winter carping sessions throughout January and February the weather finally turned for the worse and I've suffered my first blanks in a long time...

Two And A Half Hour Winter Carp Challenge

Saturday 24 February 2018

It's cold... So cold! Maybe too cold to fish?! Naa... And as I had a two and half hour window late in the afternoon this Saturday I decided to put it to good use and see if I could catch a winter carp or two.

Common carp caught at the Holiday Inn Lake at Filton

A Slow Winter Session At The Holiday Inn Lake

Monday 19 February 2018

Well I couldn't buy a bite today!