Bass caught at Lake Kurwongbah

Bass fishing at Kurwongbah on the hottest day of the year

Saturday 31 August 2024

So a couple of weeks ago it was still winter. I needed a hot water bottle and multiple layers on my last motocamping trip. Fast forward to today and it's 35 degrees! But would the change in temperature kick off a change in bass behaviour at Lake Kurwongbah?

To be honest, after the crazy windy end to my previous Kurwongbah session I wasn't relishing the idea of another session being nearly tipped out of the kayak... But I was so desperate to get out, I decided to ignore the predicted 35kmh winds and get to the lake super early in an effort to avoid the wind as much as possible.

So I got to the lake in the dark at 5:15am! The car was showing 28 degrees already and there was a very stiff breeze blowing down the lake. It also became apparent that I was going to have company on this session as 10 cars pulled into the carpark as I paddled up the main drag...

Plan wise, I figured I'd try and find calm water so I headed straight across the main basin to boat ramp bay, one because it was relatively sheltered and two because it was the main area I picked up fish in the previous week. But try as I might I couldn't get a bite. There weren't any fish showing on the sounder and despite paddling around and exploring all the areas that previously held fish there just wasn't anything around.

It was the same story at Toga Point and at Stag Bay.

Clearly a new plan was needed as the current one wasn't working! On a hunch, I headed down past the massive weedbed to the far end of chicken coup bay and gave the edges a go. Believe it or not, I got a bite on the first cast! Only a small bass but it was a start. Then another. 

The fish were around the edge again?!

The action dried up after 4 fish, a missed bite finally backing the fish off (which quite often happens, it's almost as if 'the one that got away' warns the rest of the shoal). But it was encouraging and spurred me on to investigate the edges around the top end but weirdly, not a thing showed itself. All the spots that had produced fish over winter were completely devoid of activity and with the wind hacking in circles I just couldn't stay in one spot to properly investigate anywhere.

A little frustrated I decided to drift on down into Fence Bay. I wasn't overly hopeful as I've not had a fish in this spot for months on end. So it was a real surprise when I got a bite! Not a big fish by any stretch but another one to chalk up. Even if there were some more fish around, the wind was maddening by this time and I'd all but given up and was starting my paddle back to the launching area.

But something made me stop in at boat ramp bay... It might've been the calm water, it might've been that 4 speedboat's had turned up and we're racing up and down the lake or it might've been a sixth sense...

But I scored an additional 4 bonus fish in the space of 10 minutes! All from the edges, all pretty small but all more than welcome.

The sun was high in the sky by now and as it was blistering hot and the action dried up as quickly as it began I decided to call it a day and head for home.

So another interesting session at Lake Kurwongbah. I'm not going to lie, the wind has been a constant pain over the last couple of months and today was no exception. But it was really encouraging to get some fish around the edges and who knows, maybe next week's session will be millpond calm and the takes will be fast and furious!